Monday, March 18


4"x4" oil painting on copper. I've painted a sea scape on the copper with vertigres and in this case I've added a heart rock. Many years of beach combing in Cambria has enabled me to collect oodles of these beautifully shaped rocks. Including them in these new pieces I'm doing adds fun to the design!! The finished paintings will be nailed to the wood at each corner.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I love this painting - the patina on the copper is gorgeous and the border is as dynamic and lively as the sea scape itself. Just really very lovely! how did you achieve the vertigres? paint or salt & vinegar?

susan jenkins said...

Hello! Thank you, I'm happy you like it, it was fun to do. The vertigres is in a spray bottle, I got it at a metal supply shop!!! Way fun!!
xo Susan