Saturday, April 16


Small water color doodles this morning. Warming up to paint. I'm going to work in oils however, not water color. This gets me going though. Really fun to play in water color with no real intention to be super serious! No pressure!

I spent the early morning cleaning a straightening up my studio, cobwebs, I haven't been in there in so long! Well it seems like it anyway.

I've put my sewing machine and fabrics away for now, sadly and out I go to get paintings ready for my work shop in Washington in June.I know I will see many of you there and I'm so looking forward to it.

It's such a beautiful day, maybe I'll go water the flowers instead!


Forest Dream Weaver said...

Your paintings are so vibrant and luscious...... full of joy and sunshine!

susan jenkins said...

Thank you so much for your lovely comment!

Vicki Boster said...

Susan- seriously- you call those doodles! I call them gorgeous!

susan jenkins said...

Hahahaha, thank you Vicki!
well you know when the weather is lousy and I can't get to my studio or if i just can't get an idea going there is nothing better than just sitting and doing! Feel like I've accomplished something and really....they are just playing.

Glad you like them!!
xx Susan