Saturday, December 5


3 1/4x3 1/2 The eggs of the Tree Swallow are pink! Lovely. Did you know that not only are the Robin's eggs blue but also those of the Eastern Bluebird?

Friday, December 4


31/2x11/2 My newest nest. Hand built in red earthenware clay.
I settled on a new glaze and I like the dark twiggy effect. The addition of the leaves and blossom bring in a more natural feel. The color of the eggs is a true Robins egg blue and I am excited to find it!
I have several of these nests firing now. Different colors of eggs. There is a pink egg laid by the Tree Swallow and the speckled white egg of the White Breasted Nut Hatch and House Sparrow. I have included these. I will post the nests as they are completed. Such fun! More bird paintings next week!

Monday, November 30

Angel Piqueassiette Wall Hanging

18x24 wall hangings. Piqueassiette tiles cut and grouted into place. I use glass and pottery and hand made pieces. I make the angels, they are hand built. I love making these and I will be making them for "Crimson " in Del Mar California. They are weather proof. Completley finished off and coated with a water sealant back and front.These are sold so making more!! SOLD!